Understanding oneself is a very important aspect of personal development, realization and actualization. In every way of our lives the key important thing that really determine our achievements, be it at personal social economic or spiritual level, is not much of our background, money, or how big our dreams are, but much of how well we understand ourselves, and the people who are around us.
To start it is my hope and belief that we all, that is you and me agree that we are human beings. That unlike other animals that we may be sharing taxonomic groups with, we show a high level of complexity and development in anatomic, physiological, social, intellectual capabilities. Above all is that we have over time acquired great and dynamic skills that help us to thrive quite well in most environments.
As earlier stated, human beings are complex in nature and it is therefore hard for me as it is for you and many other to really get a definitive way of defining and understanding oneself. But one thing that am very sure of is that understanding oneself is so vital that we can not overlook it. As far as am concerned, it is actually the basic essence of realizing what one is destined to be and achieve. It is indeed a diving board into one’s life.
There are different ways that people define themselves. Some will go by their names, others by their status in the family society, others by their profession, and others by their sexual orientation. Well at personal level we maybe satistifed with the definitions that we offer to ourselves, however are those definitions really good enough to define who we are? Given the fact that human beings are complex in nature and that who one is at this instance is as a result of an interplay of different factors, forces and influences over one’s lifetime, I tend to believe that there is some static part of us that would not really change under whichever circumstance or place we are. And that is the real us. At some point I take it as the constant in every human being, such that one can say that he or she is a product of the constant call it K and many other influences in life. In fact one person once said that we are a product of nature and nurture. Therefore what people see and appreciate about of you on the outside stems from that innate constant and your environment. Just as in genetic they say that one’s phenotype is a product of genotype and the environment.
In such a case the most important thing that one need to be aware of and understand is that constant. This is because we have very little control over it unlike nurture or environment. In trying to do so, consider this:
• sexual being
What makes you be a boy or girl? What is it like being a boy or a girl? What makes me be attracted to boy/girl?
• Social being.
Do i need other people? Is my family worth being? Do i have friends? Are they important?
• Intellectual/mental being.
What makes me different from animals? Why can i make my world better? What control me such that i do not work on instinct always as an animal?
• Physical being.
Why is my body the way it is? Did i decide it to be the way it is?
• Spiritual being
Do i desire the to feel or experience a connection to a supernatural power? Of what importance is that to me?
I can not make any conclusive ending to this note because the conclusion is within you!!!!
Love you friends.Whom I am I?
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