Monday, December 6, 2010

LOVE, Speaking the language of LOVE

We crave to love someone, we crave to be love, we find it difficult to talk of love, why is love a priority anyway? Is love mysterious? Is love elusive? It is quite difficult to talk of love. I find it even harder to define what love is anyway. 

Look here, love unlike a boy or cat or dog or cup is not a noun it is a verb it is hard to describe it. There is no adjective for it. It must be demonstrated, it must be experienced. Love in its place as a verb can only be found where there is will. It can only be given out or received by someone willing. Love is an action, not a mere attitude or feeling. 

Love reaches out, speaks out, cries out and holds out, it perseveres, it is always moving, not as stagnant as the pond. Love grows; it matures, but never dies. The more we give love the more love we receive, scientifically speaking love is regulated in a positive feedback mechanism. 

Love is not the magnificent things we do to other people, but the little acts of kindness, humility, small expressions that to people... it is the little details and decisions we make upon people, it is not necessarily the major things we do in life.

Love is about daily decisions, daily acts. It is not an instance of meeting and falling in love, but what one does to maintain the love that he has fallen into. It is making each day count in someone’s life. Is it true that it is easier to be not in love than loving at all? I tend to think so. Love as said earlier is not a bang! Falling in love once and that is it. No it requires nurturing. It requires more efforts to maintain it than falling in it. If someone could love fully, with no regard to self, then we would be free of so many worries. It is for love and by love that we were created. Love lifts a sorrowful soul, saves a dying soul, forgives an offender, reconciles with the haters, speaks for the oppressed and makes life a meaning. Love heals the wound, it heals bleeding hearts, cleans the bruises of the hurting world, it brings life where it never was.

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